
Harnessing Tech and Nature for a Sustainable Future

...Car-sharing involves renting a car for a short period; often, a car owner “rents” their vehicle to customers or guests. These popular peer-to-peer sharing programs result in fewer cars...
Posted On 12 Jan 2024

Stationary Energy – Sales Up, Costs Down

...and small-scale, distributed applications could grow dramatically, accelerating renewable energy deployment” said IRENA Director-General Adnan Z. Amin. “In this dynamic, low-carbon energy environment, now is a crucial time...
Posted On 06 Oct 2017
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Hopes rise for longer-term climate forecasts, droughts and heat waves. “While we can currently make fairly reliable weather predictions, as, for example, five-day forecasts, we do not have good predictive power on sub-seasonal to seasonal...
Posted On 09 Jun 2017
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COP26 Deforestation Deal Key to Slowing Climate Change

...McMurray, Alta., have disturbed the boreal forest. (Julia Kilpatrick/Pembina Institute), CC BY-SA The current COP26 commitment is less ambitious — countries aim only to end...
Posted On 05 Nov 2021

Mixed forests may not resist climate change

...Finland, Poland, Romania, Italy and Spain. Within these plots the numbers of species varied: there might be one species, or five. The German plot, for example was...
Posted On 04 Dec 2017
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The Future of Tech Innovations on Society world. This is crucial today, as many of our long-term issues, like climate change and wealth inequality, are coming to a head. While technology alone cannot solve these systemic...
Posted On 10 May 2024

As Alberta’s oilsands continue leaking toxic wastewater, aquatic wildlife face new risks

...the past. Diane Orihel, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology & School of Environmental Studies, Queen’s University, Ontario; Chloe Robinson, Junior Research Associate, Experimental Ecology and Ecotoxicology Research...
Posted On 27 May 2023

World Commodity Prices to Rise says World Bank – Coal and Oil will cost more! price rises for oils and meals and raw materials. “Favorable conditions have pushed stocks-to-use ratios to 15-year highs for wheat, maize and rice,’” said John Baffes, Senior Economist and...
Posted On 26 Apr 2017
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