
Pros and Cons of Offshore Energy for the Planet

...there, depending on whether the farm is near- or offshore. It forces companies to make large-scale farms. The investment only makes sense for an array that generates considerable...
Posted On 25 Jun 2023

Solar power can save lives and money

...of deaths that might be attributed to climate change as a consequence of prodigal fossil fuel combustion. According to World Health Organisation estimates, around 7 million people...
Posted On 19 Jun 2017
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Climate change could devastate Asia’s economic gains

...a major task. So, on the other hand, Asian countries have to find strategies for ensuring prosperity and security under unavoidable climate change within a healthy global development. But note...
Posted On 14 Jul 2017
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As Alberta’s oilsands continue leaking toxic wastewater, aquatic wildlife face new risks

...spines and missing toes. Tadpoles exposed to wastewater chemicals (right) show malformations not present in tadpoles raised in clean water (left) like shorter limbs, swollen...
Posted On 27 May 2023

We Need to Understand Nuclear’s Past Before We Can Bring It into the Future

...dam failure that claimed 150,000 lives in 1975. The main difference is nuclear disasters often render sites uninhabitable for generations. The Advantages of Nuclear Power There are...
Posted On 08 Feb 2023

How to Make Sustainable Packaging Eye-Catching and Affordable

...waste than ever before. As a result, environmentalists are developing aesthetic and affordable packages to combat the effects of pollution. Why Are Companies Using Sustainable...
Posted On 21 Mar 2022

Canada & UK launch coal phaseout plan

...the UK have launched the Powering Past Coal Alliance, a collection of 20 countries, six provinces or states, and one city committed to phasing out coal, shifting to...
Posted On 17 Nov 2017
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Forests can bring 1.5°C Paris target closer

...communities hold at least 54,546 million metric tons of carbon in the tropical forests they live in globally – just under a quarter of the total carbon found above...
Posted On 02 Nov 2017
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