Concrete Industry Issues Environmental Product Declarations

North American Precast Concrete Industry Issues Environmental Product Declarations in Three Key Precast Concrete Product Categories
Posted On 12 Jan 2016
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Green Aviation – NASA Research Could Save Airlines Billions

Airlines could realize more than $250 billion dollars in savings in the near future thanks to green-related technologies developed and refined by NASA’s aeronautics researchers
Posted On 12 Jan 2016
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Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Ontario’s Waste Management Industry

The waste management industry contributes to Ontario’s goals for climate change mitigation, a circular economy and sustainable economic development.
Posted On 28 Dec 2015

Climate change is business opportunity for China

Chinese money props up electricity infrastructure investment across the world, even in prosperous western Europe.
Posted On 21 Dec 2015
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Euphoria as Paris finally seals the deal

“It is rare in any lifetime to have a chance to change the world”, declared France's President François Hollande as the UN climate talks finally closed.
Posted On 12 Dec 2015
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Energy game-changers look to future

COP21: Innovative new research into clean energy technology shows there are viable alternatives to fossil fuels – provided there is enough political will and investment.
Posted On 04 Dec 2015
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New Guide to Carbon Pricing Leadership

As companies look to show climate leadership beyond COP21, being a carbon pricing champion presents clear opportunities.
Posted On 03 Dec 2015
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How the circular economy could end take-make-waste businesses

Under the mainstream radar, businesses are innovating a new industrial paradigm: the closed loop company.
Posted On 02 Dec 2015
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