Cleaning Up Ontario’s Recycling System

It’s time for an extended producer responsibility model where the company that produces a good holds responsibility for the waste it creates
Posted On 25 Jul 2015
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New solar cell promises a ten-fold increase in hydrogen fuel output

Cheaper hydrogen fuel can make the potential of the hydrogen economy a reality
Posted On 22 Jul 2015
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People and planet benefit from ‘green’ buildings

Research worldwide shows that environmentally-friendly buildings are much better for the health of the people who live and work in them, as well as for the Earth.
Posted On 21 Jul 2015
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Technical Consultation on WTO Environmental Goods Agreement

GLOBE-Net is sharing an important notice from DFATD for Canadian Clean Technology Companies whose businesses may be impacted by import and export tariffs.
Posted On 21 Jul 2015
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Pan-American action statement on climate change signed in Ontario

Climate Action Statement signed at Climate Summit of the Americas strengthens collaboration across the Americas
Posted On 13 Jul 2015
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New Renewable Energy Database Now On-Line

Two million patents and 400 standards for renewable energy technology now accessible in one easy-to-use platform
Posted On 13 Jul 2015
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Quantum leap taken in measuring greenhouse effect

New technique for analysing satellite data will allow scientists to predict more accurately how much the Earth will warm as a result of carbon dioxide emissions.
Posted On 10 Jul 2015
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IKEA Canada to plug-in electric vehicle charging stations nationwide

. Sun Country Highway from Victoria, BC to St. John's, NL, is the longest electrified highway in the world
Posted On 10 Jul 2015
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