
Oil and gas companies are seen as climate villains. But we’ll need their expertise

Oil and gas majors are well-placed to make green hydrogen and green chemicals
Posted On 03 Mar 2023

The food systems that will feed Mars are set to transform food on Earth

Could we feed a city on Mars? This question is central to the future of space exploration and has serious repercussions on Earth too.
Posted On 26 Feb 2023

The climate crisis demands we green higher education

The challenge is not so much to integrate sustainable development into engineering or management as to teach engineering and management for sustainable development. Shutterstock
Posted On 15 Feb 2023

What are green jobs and how can I get one

In general, the term applies to any job that is related to producing goods and delivering services focused on conserving or protecting natural resources, or reducing their use.
Posted On 13 Jan 2023

7 Ways to Prevent Pollution with Industrial Waste Management

By: Emily Newton Industrial corporations are responsible for conducting robust waste management initiatives to prevent environmental and public health crises. More than ever, pollution prevention is paramount to industrial waste management systems. Doing so helps organizations...
Posted On 15 Nov 2022

Canada Releases First Step Towards Net-Zero Concrete

Canada’s cement industry has been steadfast in its commitment to tackle climate change and reach net zero by 2050.
Posted On 09 Nov 2022

Top 10 Considerations When Purchasing an EV

If you’re thinking about making the switch to an electric vehicle , you might be wondering how an EV is different from a petrol-powered car. Here are the top 10 considerations when purchasing an EV
Posted On 26 Oct 2022

Is the Future of Wind Energy Gummy Bears

Scientists at the University of Michigan might mean components of wind turbine blades can be reused and transformed into other products – including food.
Posted On 20 Sep 2022