Next decade critical for climate targets

European researchers stress urgency of tackling global warming to meet climate targets, and say the goal of a less than 2°C rise may be unrealistic.
Posted On 02 May 2017
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Top companies urge White House to stay in the Paris Agreement

Top Business Leaders Outline Business Case for Staying the Course for Climate Action
Posted On 28 Apr 2017
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Canadian green bond market could top $50B annually

Potential for financing critically needed 'green' infrastructure includes both private and public sector projects.
Posted On 10 Apr 2017
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Saving Food Saves Lives and Money – A Win Win Investment for all

Report from Champions 12.3 shows that companies, consumers and governments can save billions of dollars and millions of tons of food by acting to cut food loss and waste
Posted On 08 Mar 2017
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Oil Industry Needs New Investment

Global oil supply to lag demand after 2020 unless new investments are approved soon
Posted On 06 Mar 2017
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European trains go down renewable route

Electric trains in the Netherlands have relied entirely on renewable energy since 1 January, and now the UK and Belgium are following in their tracks.
Posted On 13 Feb 2017
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Cut Subsidies – Save the Planet

Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies Cuts Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 37 Gt over 2017-2050; study
Posted On 13 Feb 2017
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Ottawa to increase investment in Canadian-based tech startups

The federal government will increase funding allotted to assist tech startups to stimulate the technology sector and to support economic growth.
Posted On 06 Feb 2017
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