Carbon emissions set to rise in 2017

Global carbon emissions look likely to increase this year, putting at risk the hope of meeting the world's agreement to slow global warming. under the Paris Agreement
Posted On 13 Nov 2017
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Humans cause growing heat wave danger

A heat wave can be lethal – and researchers have now counted the ways they can kill. Humans may have only themselves to blame.
Posted On 12 Nov 2017
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100% renewable electricity in reach by 2050

It may sound fanciful, but researchers say a world running on 100% renewable electricity is attainable by mid-century, or even earlier.
Posted On 08 Nov 2017
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Cities can cut greenhouse gas emissions far beyond their urban borders

Greenhouse gas emissions caused by urban households’ purchases of goods and services from beyond city limits are much bigger than previously thought.
Posted On 07 Nov 2017
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Altering crops can exploit changing climate

The world can feed many millions of extra mouths by altering crops to make the most of local conditions, scientists say.
Posted On 07 Nov 2017
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UN climate summit means business

The 2017 UN climate summit may not hit the headlines as some of its predecessors have done, but it can speed up global action.
Posted On 05 Nov 2017
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Forests can bring 1.5°C Paris target closer

Protecting the world’s forests could achieve a quarter of the greenhouse gas emissions cuts needed to meet the 1.5°C Paris target, scientists say.
Posted On 02 Nov 2017
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Land use can achieve 30% of carbon cuts by 2030

Rethinking land use - the way we exploit, manage and neglect the land - could achieve  about a third of the carbon cuts needed in the next decade.
Posted On 01 Nov 2017
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