
>New agreements between First Nations and B.C. government a step toward

Blueberry River First Nation Chief Judy Desjarlais (middle) called her nation’s agreement with the province a “historic moment.” (Flickr/Province of British Columbia), CC BY-NC-ND Giuseppe Amatulli, Carleton University...
Posted On 27 Apr 2023

Canada ranks 4th in new global cleantech index

...abroad); Connecting start-ups with multiple channels (e.g. multinational corporates, public procurement) to increase their success rates; and Increasing international engagement to spur widespread adoption of clean technologies....
Posted On 15 Jun 2017
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Thoughts on the passing of a great Canadian, he continued with his family’s stroll. The joy among the young leaders was electric. One said to me, “In my country, I would be shot if I approached our...
Posted On 29 Feb 2024

Who Should Share the Responsibility of Going Green?

...cost $1.63 trillion in economic losses. This highlights just how important it is for both the individual and massive corporations to do their part in combating climate change. Not...
Posted On 13 Aug 2021

No nonsense plans are vital to limit global heating toΒ 2Β°C

...pre-industrial era. Two strategies are being pursued: carbon emission reductions carbon dioxide removal (CDR), also called “negative emissions”. At COP26 in 2021, global resolutions on cutting emissions drove the push...
Posted On 21 Oct 2023

Climate crisis: a dangerous and intentional delay in political action

...megaproject ( Bay du Nord ), even though our performance in meeting the Paris Agreement targets is highly insufficient. Finally, proposing “step-by-step” solutions, which are very cautious, but keep all...
Posted On 10 May 2023

China’s trade plan may cause lasting harm

...Possibly the most ambitious and far-reaching development scheme ever launched, China’s trade plan, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), may pose an unacceptable risk to the environment,...
Posted On 01 Jun 2018
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Climate stabilization:Β Planting trees cannot replace cutting CO2 emissions

...Hans Joachim Schellnhuber (2017): The limits to global-warming mitigation by terrestrial carbon removal. Earth’s Future (open access AGU journal). [DOI: 10.1002/2016EF000469] Weblink to the...
Posted On 18 May 2017
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