The future of corporate reporting – deeper and with greater scrutiny

The next decade will require concrete action from all organizations on what really matters if we are to truly create a more sustainable economy and world.
Posted On 12 Oct 2015
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From Novice to Expert

"An expert is someone who has succeeded in making decisions and judgments simpler through knowing what to pay attention to and what to ignore" - Edward De Bono
Posted On 29 Sep 2015
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California affirms biodiesel as lowest-carbon fuel

America's Advanced Biofuel as much as 81 percent better than petroleum
Posted On 28 Sep 2015
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Investors opt out of fossil fuels as climate summit nears

As momentum builds for a new deal on climate change, investors are becoming increasingly nervous about having their cash in fossil fuels.
Posted On 24 Sep 2015
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Send in the Drones – Unmanned inspection vehicles for energy facilities on the rise

Revenue for Wind Turbine Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Sales Is Expected to Total Nearly $6 Billion by 2024
Posted On 23 Sep 2015

Sunbelt Solar Power is price competitive with all other forms of energy generation

Massive solar power stations are being built in the world’s “sun belts” − with the US and India competing to have the largest in the world.
Posted On 26 Aug 2015
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Three Ways to Shock Proof Your Business in Turbulent Times

Do not over-react to the turmoil in the world. Keep your emotions in check and remind yourself that great fortunes are created by the bold during difficult times.
Posted On 25 Aug 2015
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California’s Energy Efficiency Success Story

As the lowest-cost option, energy efficiency is a critical component in the effort to reach California's long-term climate goals,
Posted On 24 Aug 2015
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