Overfishing and Climate Change Combined, Intensify Ocean Threats

Millions of people and billions of dollars depend on healthy oceans, but human actions create complex interactions that endanger oceans
Posted On 23 Aug 2015
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Integrating sustainability performance into investment strategies

The number of investors who are integrating sustainability performance into their investment strategies and decision-making is on the rise.
Posted On 21 Aug 2015
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Islamic climate experts urge 1.5°C limit on warming

A far-reaching call to avoid runaway climate change and to build a more just and sustainable global society has been launched by Islamic leaders.
Posted On 19 Aug 2015
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With Climate Change, a Terrifying New Normal for Western Firefighters

This unforgettable video tells the story of dedicated professionals struggling to come to grips with a new and frightening breed of forest fires
Posted On 15 Aug 2015
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Arctic’s melting ice shrinks shipping routes

The opening up of waters north of Siberia as Arctic ice melts will change world trade patterns by cutting a third off distances between north-west Europe and the Far East.
Posted On 04 Aug 2015
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Is Canadian hydropower the solution to Northeast’s high energy prices?

For the U.S. and its desire to have a cleaner and more reliable electricity system, they only have to look north
Posted On 04 Aug 2015
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CO2 removal cannot save the oceans

Greenhouse-gas emissions from human activities do not only cause rapid warming of the seas, but also ocean acidification at an unprecedented rate.
Posted On 03 Aug 2015
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Canada lacks a strategy to support its clean energy sector

Without coordinated effort federally and provincially, Canada could lose a significant share of the global market for its clean energy technology
Posted On 29 Jul 2015
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