The Problems We’re Not Solving by Banning Bottled Water

This new blog series seeks to unravel the web of issues that underlie “Ban the Bottle” movements and policies, namely: waste reduction, water security, and the conservation of freshwater ecosystems.
Posted On 09 Sep 2015
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World must avert devastating flood of climate refugees

A senior British politician says we face a humanitarian crisis on an immense scale if millions of people have to flee the impacts of global warming.
Posted On 09 Sep 2015
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Major Pension Funds back Alberta’s commitment for new climate policy

Global investors with more than $4.6 trillion in assets see opportunity in Alberta’s focus on better climate regulations [
Posted On 08 Sep 2015
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How to create an unboring investment pitch

The problem with most investment pitches is that they sound like investment pitches.
Posted On 07 Sep 2015
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Europe ‘s e-waste failure – Only a third of electronic waste managed correctly

Electronic and electrical equipment represents the fastest-growing flow of the world’s waste streams
Posted On 06 Sep 2015
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Seeing the forest and the trees, all 3 trillion of them

Deforestation, land-use change, and forest management are responsible for a gross loss of over 15 billion trees each year.
Posted On 03 Sep 2015
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Investment in resource innovation needed for a key tech ecosystem

It’s time to re-evaluate the strategy behind how we choose to allocate funds into growing businesses and new technology.
Posted On 02 Sep 2015
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Greener cities are cooler cities – Urban density helps save the environment

Researchers find evidence that dense settlements but with big parks and nature reserves deliver the greatest sense of well-being and the healthiest urban ecosystems.
Posted On 02 Sep 2015
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