Canada’s Resource Cities: Thunder Bay & Northwestern Ontario

Mew series highlights Canada's most prominent natural resource cities and what makes them special.
Posted On 27 Apr 2015
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As Shale Gas Booms, Effects and Sustainability Remain Unclear

Many question remain about impacts of shale gas mining on local economies and the environment
Posted On 27 Apr 2015
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Green Bond Market Maturing – Quarterly Update

Investors want greater transparency and proof of green credentials in growing market for climate-related bonds .
Posted On 27 Apr 2015
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Major changes are in store for electricity industry

As the battle to phase out fossil fuels heats up, finding economically viable ways to store surplus electric power is becoming vital.
Posted On 26 Apr 2015
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Proposed: Prohibition of 5 Toxic Substances Canada

Proposed amendments would add the following five toxic substances to the Toxic Substance Regulation
Posted On 25 Apr 2015
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Nobel Laureates call on cities to tackle sustainability challenge

Cities need to re-invent themselves if they want to be a safe home for generations to come.
Posted On 25 Apr 2015
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Canadians support carbon pricing – but doubt its effectiveness

Just over half say federal government isn’t paying enough attention to climate change
Posted On 22 Apr 2015
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Central Banks can play a key role in financing the Green Climate Fund

Green Climate Bonds purchased by central banks could the key to financing the Clean Energy Fund
Posted On 21 Apr 2015
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