
Climate  Change – A Clear and Present Danger

  Climate-related disasters in low-income countries will deepen economic challenges, raise the risk of inter-communal conflict over scarce resources Climate change will increasingly exacerbate risks to U.S. national security...
Posted On 14 Jun 2023

COP15’s Global Biodiversity Framework must advance Indigenous-led conservation

...Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Canada’s role in 30×30 Despite the concerns raised, the Global Biodiversity Framework creates opportunities to further Indigenous-led conservation. For...
Posted On 27 Feb 2023

Old forests are critically important for slowing climate change

...timberlands across the U.S., in public and private hands, are over 100 years old, and most of these areas hold relatively little carbon compared with their potential. The Biden...
Posted On 27 Jan 2024

Forests can bring 1.5°C Paris target closer

...Paris Agreement – limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C. Asian initiatives The report, by Woods Hole Research Center, is accompanied by another from Forest Climate Analytics which includes...
Posted On 02 Nov 2017
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Next decade critical for climate targets

...temperature rise of 2.5°C, well above the Paris target. If the peak comes at the end of the century, that commits the world to a 3.5°C rise. Scientists have repeatedly...
Posted On 02 May 2017
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US cities face growing flood risks

...severe flooding can expect a greater level of risk from historically unprecedented inundation, according to a new study in the journal Environmental Research L.etters This is another step in what...
Posted On 13 Jun 2017
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Climate change causes killer heatwaves combat global climate change instead of turning our backs on commitments we have made to the international community,” said Steven J. Davis, an earth system scientist at the University...
Posted On 14 Jun 2017
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Paying for forests has multiple benefits

...also based at Cambridge University in the UK. She and colleagues point to a proposed new Mechanism of Compensation for Ecological Protection that could establish effective, socially-just...
Posted On 06 Aug 2017
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