
The True North, Strong and Ice-Free – An Update

...almost complete dominance of commercial shipping in the Canadian Arctic by foreign flag vessels (apart from modest cabotage activities associated with community resupply), he notes,...
Posted On 15 Aug 2020
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We are poised to pass 1.5℃ of global warming

...or ocean explore intervening to limit warming by intentionally reflecting a fraction of sunlight into space. The commission’s task was to examine how all possible responses might best be...
Posted On 15 Sep 2023
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What Are the Benefits of a Solar-Powered Home?

...damage to your home’s roof. Originally posted on Cassandra is a content writer at She is passionate about health and wellbeing, the environment,...
Posted On 18 Jul 2021

Food Waste, Hunger and Climate Change – The Hidden Connection

...Foolish, visit or Proceeds from the book will be donated to food charities. For more information about sustainability...
Posted On 03 Aug 2015
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BuildBackBetter with Sustainable Procurement in 2020 tools to better address green, social and ethical opportunities and risks in their supply chain. About the Authors Bios and photos at:...
Posted On 25 Jul 2020
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Canada Needs to Clean Up its Carbon Act, says OECD

...production is very low-carbon, with 82% coming from non-emitting sources like hydro or nuclear, the overall energy supply is not, with 74% coming from fossil fuels. The oil and gas...
Posted On 19 Dec 2017
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Fighting Climate Change with Agriculture

...and has been called a “free pass to pollute.” The bill offers little oversight and has been called a “free pass to pollute.” Moving away from nonrenewable...
Posted On 15 Aug 2022