The Technologies of Change

...economies, boost energy security while also improving energy sustainability.” ETP 2017’s base case scenario, known as the Reference Technology Scenario (RTS), takes into account existing energy and climate...
Posted On 06 Jun 2017
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American climate refugees could flee inland

...what Dr Hauer calls “adaptive infrastructure” in the US could reach $1 trillion. But population change is inevitable. Miami, in Florida, could lose 2.5 million residents, and, altogether, nine states...
Posted On 28 Apr 2017
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Climate change promises rough ride for airlines

...double − as they could this century, unless drastic action is taken to reduce emissions. Light turbulence will increase by 59%, light to moderate by 75%, moderate to severe by...
Posted On 18 Apr 2017
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Climate change causes killer heatwaves

...period, the annual average of heatwave days was 7.3. In 1998, when heatwaves extended to 18 days, and average summer temperatures went above 28°C, deaths totalled 1,655. In 2003, during...
Posted On 14 Jun 2017
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States and industries face more climate court action

...involved (apart from those already named) are in order of the number of cases brought: New Zealand, Spain, Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Micronesia,...
Posted On 15 Jun 2017
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Organic farming may not cut climate risk

    By Tim Radford LONDON, 25 June, 2017 – US scientists who have examined the planetary food production menu recommend that, to save the planet, organic farming needs to...
Posted On 25 Jun 2017
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Climate change may increase California’s rain

...and snow in December, January and February – which has usually been when the heavens opened for California – would actually increase: more than 39% in central California,...
Posted On 08 Jul 2017
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Organic Waste is a major problem across all of North America

The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) has published a new report detailing recommended actions for increasing organic waste diversion and processing across Canada, Mexico,...
Posted On 13 Mar 2018
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