
Home Renovations to Prepare for Rising Temperatures more than 60% over the most recent five-year period. During power outages, exposure to extreme heat can reach dangerous levels, as air conditioning systems become inoperable. This year, the...
Posted On 23 Jun 2024

Offshore wind to become a $1 trillion industry

...States and Japan. “Offshore wind currently provides just 0.3% of global power generation, but its potential is vast,” Dr Birol said. “More and more of that potential is coming within...
Posted On 25 Oct 2019
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100% renewable electricity in reach by 2050

...cost – for 100% renewable electricity in 2050 would be €52/MWh, compared with €70/MWh in 2015. There is no silver bullet in their approach. Their...
Posted On 08 Nov 2017
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Electric vehicle sales promise shock for Big Oil

...significantly disrupt oil and gas company business models. Furthermore, we believe that when global oil demand peaks this will fundamentally alter investors’ approach to the industry.”...
Posted On 13 Jul 2018
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Task Force Reports on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

...$25tn have publicly committed to support the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The Task Force,...
Posted On 29 Jun 2017
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GMO crops could expect a brighter future produce oil,” says co-author Vijay Singh, director of the Integrated Bioprocessing Research Laboratory at Illinois. “We expected that as oil production increased, sugar production would decrease, based on our...
Posted On 01 Jun 2017
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Are electric vehicle subsidies the right approach?

...the subsidy,” explains Mark Milke, independent policy analyst and co-author of the publication. “Those subsidies are therefore a pure loss, with no resulting reduction in GHGs.”...
Posted On 22 Jun 2017
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The Cost of Pollution – It’s killing us – literally!

...dollars. Loss in the value of Canada’s assets – houses, buildings, roads and the natural environment – from pollution is also significant. Lake Erie’s value for tourism,...
Posted On 01 Jun 2017
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