
First Nations are using ‘creative disruption’ to foster economic growth in their communities

First Nations have been exercising their right to self-governance and taking control of their economic futures.
Posted On 02 Mar 2023

COP15’s Global Biodiversity Framework must advance Indigenous-led conservation

Prime Minister Trudeau announced funding of up to $800 million to support Indigenous-led conservation initiatives
Posted On 27 Feb 2023

The food systems that will feed Mars are set to transform food on Earth

Could we feed a city on Mars? This question is central to the future of space exploration and has serious repercussions on Earth too.
Posted On 26 Feb 2023

Amazing Advances in Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology

Read about these recent advances in hydrogen fuel cell technology to see what’s possible.
Posted On 09 Dec 2022

7 Ways to Prevent Pollution with Industrial Waste Management

By: Emily Newton Industrial corporations are responsible for conducting robust waste management initiatives to prevent environmental and public health crises. More than ever, pollution prevention is paramount to industrial waste management systems. Doing so helps organizations...
Posted On 15 Nov 2022

Canada’s Latin American community is growing, and universities must improve teaching about the region

Recent census data shows that the number of people identifying as Latinx in Canada is growing fast.
Posted On 11 Nov 2022

10 Things You Need to Know About Air Quality Near You

Take a deep breath. Depending on where you live and how much traffic is on the road right now, you might be taking in clean air or inhaling toxins.
Posted On 09 Nov 2022

The Harmful Effects of Light Pollution on Insects

Humans have romanticized the cities that never sleep, marvelling over the beauty of all the lights you can see from space.
Posted On 08 Oct 2022