
Sun-powered golden sandwich boosts energy

In two decades solar cells have spread worldwide. Now a sun-powered golden sandwich promises to make them at least 10 times more efficient.
Posted On 13 Oct 2018
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Warmer climate means US faces big losses

Greenhouse gas emissions impose a social cost – in ecosystem damage, in climate extremes, in human health and wealth. The US faces big losses.
Posted On 13 Oct 2018
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Resilient Cities

Special report documents the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C

Summary for Policymakers of IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC approved by governments
Posted On 08 Oct 2018
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Carbon removal is not enough to save climate

Carbon removal from the atmosphere cannot match reducing emissions of greenhouse gases as a way of slowing global warming, US analysts say.
Posted On 11 Sep 2018
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Forests cut warming better than technology

Biofuels are no easy answer to climate change. Nor is storing captured carbon dioxide. The world’s great forests cut warming better than engineered solutions can.
Posted On 11 Sep 2018
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Catastrophic Devastation or Manageable Recovery

The difference between catastrophic devastation and manageable recovery following a disastrous event often can be traced back to decisions made decades earlier.
Posted On 09 Aug 2018
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Growing risk of extreme heat and humidity

Hazards multiply when extreme heat and humidity join in lethal combination. Scientists now know exactly where this twin danger could be greatest.
Posted On 06 Aug 2018
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Forest carbon emissions are set to grow

The tropical forests could be at growing risk from climate change. And as they die, rising forest carbon emissions could threaten much of the Earth’s life.
Posted On 30 Jul 2018
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