Extreme Weather In A Changing Climate: Asking The Right Questions

Scientists are proposing a new way to access the influence of climate change on extreme weather events.
Posted On 27 Jun 2015
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Alberta first steps toward a new climate change strategy

New government takes two important first steps to show leadership on climate change with a goal to make a preliminary proposal in time for the COP21
Posted On 26 Jun 2015
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Dutch government ordered to cut back emissions

In a landmark ruling, the law has stepped in to demand that the Netherlands does more to tackle the “imminent danger” of climate change.
Posted On 25 Jun 2015
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Combating climate dangers is seen as ‘medical emergency’

International experts say the last 50 years of health advances worldwide will be jeopardised unless urgent steps are taken to confront climate change
Posted On 23 Jun 2015
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New flood alert as warming raises sea levels threat

Scientists warn countries in northern Europe to plan for dramatic new worst-case scenarios as climate change increases the risk of seas sweeping inland.
Posted On 22 Jun 2015
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Rise in CO2 could restrict growing days for crops

While plants in temperate zones may benefit from higher temperatures, global warming’s impact in the tropics threatens catastrophe for food security.
Posted On 20 Jun 2015
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Pope calls for moral campaign on climate crisis

Hard-hitting message from the Vatican warns of the threat global warming poses to the world’s ecosystems − and to everyone on the planet.- "The poor and the Earth are shouting,"
Posted On 18 Jun 2015
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China bets on ‘sponge cities’ to cope with flooding and drought

The need to confront both water shortages and urban flooding has created a huge headache for Chinese city planners
Posted On 17 Jun 2015
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