Cities on the front lines of climate changes negotiations

Can you imagine a major city powered entirely by renewable energy?
Posted On 09 Dec 2015
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Global Investors Support Green Bonds in Climate Finance Policy Mix

Investors representing $11 trillion in assets managed back 'Paris Green Bonds Statement'
Posted On 09 Dec 2015
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Energy game-changers look to future

COP21: Innovative new research into clean energy technology shows there are viable alternatives to fossil fuels – provided there is enough political will and investment.
Posted On 04 Dec 2015
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Québec adopts most ambitious greenhouse gas reduction target in Canada

Québec has again demonstrated its leadership by unveiling the most ambitious target in Canada.
Posted On 28 Nov 2015
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Climate change boosted Australia’s 2010 floods

Warming oceans helped to worsen Australia's floods five years ago by intensifying rainfall, researchers find.
Posted On 22 Nov 2015
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REthinking Energy – Renewables Poised to Deliver Climate Solution

IRENA report presents actions to limit global temperature rise to below 2°C by accelerating transition to renewable energy 
Posted On 22 Nov 2015
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Alberta – A New Climate Leader for a New Climate Era

"This is the day we step up, at long last, to one of the world’s biggest problems — the pollution that is causing climate change."
Posted On 22 Nov 2015

More warming will bring a more polluted future

Global warming will increase airborne aerosols and cause more atmospheric pollution
Posted On 15 Nov 2015
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