
Global energy demand rose by 2.3% in 2018, its fastest pace in the last decade

Despite major renewables growth last year, CO2 emissions reached a historic high
Posted On 26 Mar 2019
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Going Green: The Viability of Road Trips in an Electric Vehicle

Driving the American Dream in an Electric Vehicle
Posted On 13 Mar 2019
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Can the Circular Economy Improve Infrastructure’s Sustainability Problem?

Why does our infrastructure have such difficulty with sustainability?
Posted On 26 Feb 2019
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Net Zero Homes – Are They The Wave Of The Future?

Net Zero homes are rapidly growing for good reason - they free you from utility bills!
Posted On 25 Feb 2019
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Going Green with Car Sharing

Car sharing is a growing trend that allows drivers to “rent” a shared car whenever they like. Sharing services are popping up in major cities around the country, but why is this new driving trend so popular? There’s quite a few benefits to car sharing, but one stands out from the...
Posted On 13 Feb 2019
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Millennials Choose to Rent Instead of Buy: What’s the Environmental Impact?

When it comes to deciding where to live, many millennials have chosen to eschew homeownership in favor of renting.
Posted On 14 Jun 2018
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Are Ride-Sharing Services as Eco-Friendly as People Think?

The concept of sharing your car with other people is becoming more and more popular as an eco-friendly approach to travel.
Posted On 18 May 2018
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Organic Waste is a major problem across all of North America

Food loss and waste, across the entire food supply chain, is an enormous problem that affects our economy, food security and environment.
Posted On 13 Mar 2018
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