Vulnerable infrastructure at risk from climate

Damage to vulnerable infrastructure caused by climate hazards could triple by the 2020s and rise over ten-fold by the end of the century.
Posted On 01 Dec 2017
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100% renewable electricity in reach by 2050

It may sound fanciful, but researchers say a world running on 100% renewable electricity is attainable by mid-century, or even earlier.
Posted On 08 Nov 2017
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Evaporation could offer new source of renewable energy

Natural evaporation could provide most of the electricity used by the US and also save about one fifth of the water it uses, scientists believe.
Posted On 06 Oct 2017
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Will America’s trillion-dollar investment in new infrastructure withstand tomorrow’s disasters?

Communities are increasingly keeping climate change in mind as they plan roads, sewers and energy grids for the future.
Posted On 14 Sep 2017
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To avoid climate catastrophe, we’ll need to remove CO2 from the air. Here’s how.

With sufficient investment and strategic deployment, carbon dioxide removal and storage can play a key role in keeping global warming to a level we can live with.
Posted On 14 Aug 2017
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Former Astronaut chosen to open 2017 Zero Waste Conference

Will outline a vision to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.
Posted On 06 Aug 2017
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Climate change could devastate Asia’s economic gains

Unabated Climate Change Would Reverse the Hard-Earned Development Gains in Asia — New Report
Posted On 14 Jul 2017
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World food trade runs chokepoint gauntlet

A group of physical chokepoints - roads, ports and waterways - could disrupt the flow of world food trade, with drastic consequences.
Posted On 27 Jun 2017
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