Record CO2 levels signal sizzling summers

As carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reaches a historic high point that could continue for a lifetime, summer temperatures are also heading towards record levels.
Posted On 15 Jun 2016

Canada, U.S. and Mexico can cut oil and gas methane pollution more than 40%

New North American summary analysis finds many cost-effective opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as countries prepare for June 29 Leaders’ Summit
Posted On 14 Jun 2016

Canada’s economy must be stronger, greener and more inclusive – OECD

Canada is adjusting to the fall in commodity prices, but more is needed to boost productivity and reduce risks
Posted On 13 Jun 2016

Bionic leaf can fuel energy revolution

Renewable energy experts and microbiologists have teamed up to create a super-efficient artificial leaf that uses photosynthesis to produce carbon-neutral liquid fuels.
Posted On 10 Jun 2016

Cities Commit to Combating Emissions

Through bold climate commitments, 228 cities around the world are taking the lead on climate action.
Posted On 07 Jun 2016

Cities are in the frontline for cutting carbon emissions, new IEA report finds

Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 shows that carbonizing urban buildings and transport is key to attain Paris climate goals
Posted On 01 Jun 2016

Elusive global growth outlook requires urgent policy response

Global economy stuck in low-growth trap - Policymakers need to act to keep promises
Posted On 01 Jun 2016
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New approach needed to tackle productivity and inequality challenges, says OECD

Declining productivity growth and rising inequality are two of the biggest obstacles to improved economic performance, according to a new OECD report.
Posted On 31 May 2016