Warming will slow transatlantic flights

Air journeys from Europe to North America will take longer and emit more CO2 into the atmosphere as climate-caused impacts increase the strength of jet-stream headwinds.
Posted On 13 Feb 2016
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Study: Rising Seas Slowed by Increasing Water on Land

New measurements from a NASA satellite show for the first time, how climate-driven increases of liquid water storage on land have affected the rate of sea level rise.
Posted On 13 Feb 2016
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UN chief praises Trudeau for role in climate-change talks

Ban welcomes Trudeau’s plan to rebuild a robust relationship with the UN, saying Canada has a long and distinguished partnership with the organization.
Posted On 13 Feb 2016
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Poor air quality kills 5.5 million worldwide annually

University of British Columbia researchers present new data on air pollution at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Posted On 12 Feb 2016
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Yukon climate change report confirms rapid warming and ecosystem changes

A new report documenting climate change in the Yukon has been released - and its findings are pretty grim says Whitehorse Star
Posted On 12 Feb 2016
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Aircraft CO2 Standards – One Step Closer But No Take Off Yet!

Agreement is a signal that the international community is finally rising to the challenge of a global market-based approach to reduce aviation emissions.
Posted On 11 Feb 2016
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Oil will stay in the ground until price rises – New Report

Nosediving prices for oil and gas mean investment in new fields is being held back until profits start to climb.
Posted On 26 Jan 2016
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Carbon capture plans need urgent aid

Call for governments to give financial backing for technology that could help save the world from overheating by preventing CO2 escaping into the atmosphere.
Posted On 21 Jan 2016
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