Yes We Can! Options exist for a low carbon future for Canada

“The technologies needed to mitigate the effects of climate change already exist, are well-researched, and are constantly improving.”
Posted On 31 Oct 2015
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Soaring heat and humidity pose deadly threat

Parts of the Arabian Gulf region – prime source of the oil that helps fuel climate change – are most at risk of becoming uninhabitable for humans unless global warming is tackled.
Posted On 31 Oct 2015
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Vertical Farming Can Provide Needed Crops to Water-Scarce Regions

By Keith White October 28, 2015 –  California, an area highly publicized for its severe water woes, agriculture alone uses 80 percent of the state’s water supply — yet farmers are forced to use less water and sacrifice crops for the good of the masses. When water scarcity...
Posted On 30 Oct 2015
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Smart Water Market $35.9 Billion over next decade 

At a time of growing water shortages worldwide, we are still wasting over a quarter of the water we use
Posted On 21 Oct 2015
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Where the Wind Blows?

New Global Wind Atlas provides accurate wind resource data down to the kilometre, boosting support for global wind energy development  
Posted On 21 Oct 2015
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Are we at a climate crossroads?

Expert on the economic impacts of climate change says the stakes have never been higher for radical action to be agreed at the Paris summit.
Posted On 21 Oct 2015
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Emissions growth can be slowed to a crawl – IEA

Climate pledges for COP21 slow energy sector emissions growth dramatically, but further effort will be needed to achieve two-degree goal
Posted On 21 Oct 2015
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Re-Imaginging Carbon – The search for breakthrough technologies

The $20 Million Prize to tackle carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels
Posted On 12 Oct 2015